Instructions: Download and edit this post in Canva. In Canva, add your own picture of your moving truck in a neighborhood. Add your logo, phone number, website, brand colors, and the city from and to. Use the example description below and replace city names where needed.

💡Pro Tip: If your crew uses a tablet with Moving Software to manage jobs, make it a habit to have them snap a photo with the clients at each job and add it to the customer’s profile. That way you can easily access the job photos.

Example Description: Want A Hint👇: (Use chatgpt to ask the prompt: write me a 75 word riddle about the neighborhood city,st)
Output example:

Want A Hint👇:
I’m nestled in a valley, warm and bright,
Surrounded by hills with trails to hike.
My name’s been whispered in history’s tale,
A place where old train tracks still prevail.
Famous for skies so clear and wide,
And ranches that dot the countryside.
I’m home to a library of Reagan’s past,
A town where suburban peace will last.
What am I? Can you see,
This quiet gem in Southern Cali?

What’s my name?

**Don’t forget to add your logo and customize this design!